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reference pieceの例文


  • I did however change my contribution to a more accurate and referenced piece.
  • Even though the title is similar to the previously referenced piece, the woodcut has some differences.
  • Preparations for the background begin on the field, where an artist takes photographs and sketches references pieces.
  • :That isn't the most common style on WP ( or in general ), but it is often used in heavily referenced pieces.
  • On the merits, I think this would be a Keep-it has the appearance of being a well referenced piece of work, though I cannot speak to the science of it.
  • This page is solely my camera work with only the words from the historical marker, a referenced ( maybe not properly ) piece on the coach who beat the bears and giants, and another referenced piece on the best player Glen Presnell.
  • :If we don't sort these concerns out the wiki fails in its prime objective of being a reliable reference piece worldwide and will never be taken seriously by academia . talk ) 13 : 02, 3 November 2008 ( UTC)
  • It is my belief that nowhere else in the world is there such a comprehensive study of this militia unit and that the Wikipedia article as it stands is the only informed non POV reference piece available on the WWW . I would like it to be enhanced and improved and to keep it POV free . talk ) 17 : 13, 29 October 2008 ( UTC)
  • BUT if you are using an article as a reference you should definitely be including all information to help find the reference : title, author, date, etc-- and in that case there is no real drawback to linking the title of the referenced piece to the smenet . org site-- those who have access to the site can look it up there, and those who can't still have all the info they need to look it up at the library . & mdash; talk 15 : 34, 20 August 2007 ( UTC)